Moon Knight Episode 3 Telugu+Tamil+Hindi+Eng


Moon Knight Episode 3:The new date with Moon Knight proves rather ambivalent, with the already known strengths continuing to shine and complicated additions.

And we have already reached the middle of Moon Knight’s journey, with an episode that has left us in some ways rather perplexed. It has been a bizarre, dreamlike, and deliberately confusing experience so far, in the form of a puzzle to be put back together piece by piece to deeply understand Steven / Marc’s delicate existence. 

Surely to date, Moon Knight is one of the most distinctive and unique productions made by Marvel Studios, the one with probably the most freedom of action, despite being always immersed in their very recognizable style. 

But it is what made the series exciting, different, guided by a fragmented and slightly alienating narrative approach, which relies heavily on details that are sometimes barely mentioned or that are clear in the dialogues themselves and not in infinite explanations – which at the, in the end, they would just break the rhythm.

Moon Knight is brilliant in these respects and, supported moreover by fascinating mythology in full expansion, brings from its attractiveness and conquests that many other MCU-branded products in the recent past have lacked, even in a rather sensational way. In the third episode, however, particularly in the first part, such a quantity of meat is thrown into the fire that we are dumbfounded.

Divinity in comparison

After the conclusion of the last episode (here you can find our review of Moon Knight Episode 01, Episode 02), we find Marc (Oscar Isaac) in Egypt on the trail of Harrow (Ethan Hawke), about to find the lost tomb of Ammit in his crusade to make resurrect divinity and bring “heaven” to earth.

 A search that immediately suffers hindrances, as Steven does not intend to give up and, if he can avoid making the mercenary carry out yet another massacre regardless of the purpose, it will put a spanner in the works all the time, in a wonderful reversal of roles respect debut. 

Now, the first consideration we feel like making is precisely that relating to Marc: now he is the protagonist, the main actor in possession of the body and it is impossible not to once again praise Isaac’s interpretation, radically different down to the smallest. body language details compared to mild-mannered and introverted Steven (we will never tire of saying that Oscar Isaac is the best choice for Moon Knight).

Marc is resolute, decisive, in his own way tormented and afflicted by a tide of secrets that surround him, but in extremely opposite ways compared to his counterpart who is always alert in any reflection, even that of a knife. A sensational dichotomy that alone would be worth the price of the ticket for the entire show, further multiplied by the comparisons that follow one another with Harrow

If on the one hand, in fact, it is possible to reproach the villain played by a magnetic Hawke for not having yet contributed to consolidating a tangible threat to our disturbed hero, on the other hand, his mellifluous, ambiguous and slimy nature can easily compensate for any lack.

The toll of the shared universe

In general, it is the construction of his scenes that is almost perfect, from his entry into the arena to how he successfully manipulates anyone who stands in front of him, human or God who is. A ghostly figure capable of emerging whenever the situation demands it, a ghost that is impossible to eliminate no matter how faint it appears, culminating in a creepy final sequence; the possibilities to expand it and make it even more fearsome are endless. 

What does not work is the central part, so to speak, of the episode, because in essence, it is the moment where Moon Knight expands his mythology beyond measure and, avoiding making spoilers, the consequences of the revelations made do not seem well calculated.

The show certainly gains a seductive aura of mysticism and takes full advantage of the character’s background, but the shared universe takes its toll once again: it is possible that every time you have to insert an unprecedented element into the whole you have to resort to ‘now hackneyed “let’s not interfere with the affairs of human beings”? 

How many other organizations or groups operating in the shadows should we still expect? And how is it possible that such people have never been noticed? It’s a solution that can hold up in some circumstances, and to be honest, Moon Knight could be one of those cases. At the same time, these are stylistic features that we are hearing all the time from Black Widow; here the MCU necessarily needs new blood.

The third episode of Moon Knight turns out to be ambivalent in many ways. All the elements that are establishing the success of the series are always present, indeed they are put in a new light since, for example, now it is Marc who is in control of the protagonist and not Steven. 

And again Isaac proves to be an exceptional actor, with a radically different interpretation from what we saw in the first few episodes. And alone, the Marc / Steven contrast is already worth the ticket price for the entire show, made even more ferocious here. Just as the villain Harrow continues to work, mellifluous, slimy and manipulative to the point of unbelievable, moreover accentuated by an episode ending that is nothing short of dramatic. 

The central part doesn’t work at all, because yes, it’s yet another demonstration of how the authors are making the most of Moon Knight’s background; it works, but the shared universe takes its toll and the consequences of what is shown do not seem well calculated.

Further reading


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