Stranger Things 4, one of the protagonists talks about his fight against addiction

Image Credit: Netflix

The actor expressed himself in a very open and sincere way.

In a long post on Twitter, Jamie Campbell Bower – who plays Vecna ​​in Stranger Things 4 – talked about her own fight against addiction. The actor did not hold back and very candidly revealed that 12 years ago he was in the throes of an addiction that also led him to hospital. You can see the double post written by Bower below followed by the translation.

12 and a half years ago I was in active addiction. Hurting myself and those around me who I loved the most. It got so bad that eventually I ended up in a hospital for mental health. I am now 7 1/2 years clean and sober. I have made many mistakes in my life

— Jamie Campbell Bower (@Jamiebower) July 27, 2022

The words of Jamie Campbell Bower, the Vecna ​​of Stranger Things 4

“12 years ago I was in the throes of addiction. By hurting me and those around me that I loved the most. The situation was so serious that I even ended up in a psychiatric hospital. I’ve been clean and sober for seven and a half years. I have made many mistakes in my life but every day gives you a chance to start over. To atone for your mistakes and grow. For all those who get up thinking ‘oh no, again’ I promise you there is a way. I am very happy to be where I am, very happy to be sober. I am very happy to be. Remember, we are all work in progress “.

This isn’t the first time Stranger Things 4’s terrifying and scary Vecna ​​talks about its own substance abuse past. The actor, who in his life was also a singer in a band and who is still a singer-songwriter, had talked about his turbulent past in a song entitled It gets better by Counterfeit, the band he was part of until 2020. recently dissolved. In the song Bower addressed important issues such as substance addiction and mental problems and, as he did on Twitter in these hours, he invited listeners to fight and not to lose hope.

Source: Just Jared

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