Fantastic 4: Moon Knight producers hard at work on the highly anticipated Marvel project!

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

The duo behind the acclaimed series starring Oscar Isaac is planning to tackle the coveted reboot of Fantastic 4!

The Marvel Studios hierarchy is now a well-oiled machine. At the top, we find Kevin Feige, probably one of the most influential producers in Hollywood, under him the producers Victoria Alonso and Louis D’Esposito. Then comes the turn of longtime producers like Brad Winderbaum, Trinh Tran, Nate Moore, Jonathan Schwartz, Stephen Broussard, Eric Carroll, and many more. 

Lastly, the group with the executive producers who have been assigned a new project. Examples are Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness – produced by Richie Palmer, on his first job as an accredited producer – and the latest Disney + Moon Knight series, produced by Grant Curtis and Nick Pepin. has revealed that the duo behind the acclaimed series starring Oscar Isaac is planning to tackle the much-needed Fantastic Four reboot!

Moon Knight screenwriter Jeremy Slater revealed it during an interview with the well-known news site: “My producers in Moon Knight are the same who run Fantastic Four, so we talked about it a lot.” Slater was asked if he had lobbied Marvel for the coveted work as a screenwriter, due to his previous working relationship with the franchise (he had written the first draft of Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four flop, but only one of his lines. arrived in theaters).

“I don’t think the original Fantastic Four was my fault because I only have one line of dialogue in that movie. I think it’s the only line that’s left of my script, while everything else has been changed. So I don’t take much responsibility for how it turned out, but I understand that if they announce they’re making a new Fantastic Four movie, with the guy who wrote the one before, all Twitter can rise up and call us idiots. “

Regardless of how it turned out on the previous flop, Slater acknowledges that the project is now in the best possible hands at the House of Ideas: “Grant and Nick are extraordinary producers. They will find brilliant writers and directors. And they don’t need my presence in that project. As a fan, I can’t wait to see him, but I will never agree to get involved again, for very good reasons. I think there are some things I probably need to stay away from for the rest of my career. “

Source: Comicbook

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